
Short Description

Our 0.2mm Dermapen is an alternative to dermarolling & is ideal for use around the under-eye and peri-oral areas of the face & hard to reach areas under and around the eye area, to help restore volume and firmness in minutes.



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Full Product Description

Our 0.2mm Dermapen is an alternative to dermarolling & is ideal for use around the under-eye and peri-oral areas of the face & hard to reach areas under and around the eye area, to help restore volume and firmness in minutes.

The delicate eye area is one of the first places to give away our age and also the most difficult area to treat due to the sensitivity and thinness of the skin. Specific scars and ageing concerns can be targeted to encourage rejuvenation of the skin site

It can be used alongside the Image A.D.S Dermaroller. The Titanium Dermapen has a circular head comprising 40 titanium micro-needles with an enhanced grip for greater control and accuracy.
Specific scars and ageing concerns can be targeted to encourage rejuvenation of the skin site. Use only a 0.2mm Titanium Dermapen for areas around the eye due to the thin and delicate nature of the skin in this area. Suitable for all skin types
Benefits of using the 0.2mm Dermapen by Image A.D.S
  • Reduce appearance of under eye wrinkles.
  • Reduce appearance of crows feet.
  • Reduce appearance of stretchmarks.
  • Smoother skin with diminished appearance of fine lines.
  • Reduce Acne Scarring.
  • Makes Your Skincare Products 200X More Effective by passing surface level skin.
How To Use: 
During treatment apply your hyaluronic serum (if desired), but not necessary. We recommend a pure Hyaluronic Serum to enhance results greatly. Hold the dermapen directly over the targeted area. Repeatedly stamp the needles into the skin 15-20 times ensuring the whole localized area receives repetitive needling. If you feel that your skin is becoming sore or irritated, you may be applying too much pressure or stamps. Frequency of stamping depends on your age, skin concern & desired result. Use a maximum of 1-3 times a week depending on the sensitivity of your skin.

Pre-Treatment – As always with the use of a home dermaroller/ dermapen the importance of cleanliness cannot be overstated. Always remember to only treat dry, healthy, double cleansed skin and ensure hands are washed. Do not use any toners that contain alcohol.
Post-Treatment- It is vital that you apply an SPF after rolling to protect your skin. Any broad spectrum SPF with UVA & UVB protection is fine which will contain either Zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Do NOT apply any products with active ingredients until 72 hours or until skin returns to normal (you may continue using your hyaluronic serum each day).

Cleaning Image A.D.S Products
Make sure your Image A.D.S is disinfected. We recommend 70% Isopropyl Alcohol for simple and thorough cleansing of your Roller. You should also be careful about the manner in which you store your Image A.D.S. Use the accompanying protective casing to ensure the microneedles remain clean & intact. Be extremely careful not to bang the needles, to bend or get damaged. As always with use of home derma rollers/pens, the importance of cleanliness cannot be overstated. Always remember to wash your hands and only treat dry, healthy, cleansed skin.

Safety Precautions
For hygiene reasons never share your Image A.D.S with anyone else. Not recommended for use on irritated or infected skin, active acne, rosacea, eczema, moles etc. Be extra careful when rolling around the eyes; don’t go any higher than your cheekbones when using the 0.5mm or 0.2mm roller. Don’t use the Image A.D.S on your eyelids as the skin is too thin. Keep products away from possible sources of contamination. Store it in its case when not in use. If the dermaroller is not performing as you expected or you feel it is not rolling smoothly, stop using and replace. Replace every 30-60 days depending on the frequency of use as the needles wear and become less effective or can cause damage to the skin.

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+